Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Brazilian Wax And Yeast Infections Why Am I Itching? Please Help! Brazilian Wax Maybe!?!?

Why am i itching? Please help! Brazilian wax maybe!?!? - brazilian wax and yeast infections

I have a Brazilian wax, there are about 3 weeks and everything was very good. In the past week, Saturday, me and my bf had sex, she hadnt done anything in a month and on Monday he was again.

Well, I was fine, but yesterday started itching very badly! I like small bumps in my vagina lips and scratched me so bad, this morning I had small cuts!

OMG it itches so bad! BF and my best friend told me that her hair bc of my Brazilian wax anymore, but I do not believe?

This is not a yeast infection before Jesus Christ, my release is normal, what do you think?

Ladies? I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow, but I just wanted to see if someone they previously ....!


kf8890 said...

I had previously also. It can only react angrily wax or just underwear or something. We could try to help go vagisal the cream and the bumps. It could also put his hair.

Brenden B said...

It is really serious. I am a gyneacoligist and is one of the signs of cognifitis. Go to a specialist as soon as possible.

Vashti said...

Sounds like ingrown hairs to me.

In many places, hair spray type is used to prevent ingrown hairs.

The next time you have to ask.

chrysie said...

probably because his hair is growing back itches in a careful, these cuts can cause an infection!

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